Boutiquenville - Foura Totte 2024
Shopping at the foot of Mont Blanc
Spring at the foot of Mont Blanc opens with two days of discounts and unmissable offers among the streets of Courmayeur.
From Saturday, June 1 to 4, 2024, Boutiques en Ville, the en plein air event featuring more than forty businesses, returns. Visitors will have the opportunity to discover a wide range of products, from sports and non-sports clothing, special items and home furnishings, to typical handicrafts and food products.
From 10:30 a.m. to noon and from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., it is also possible to attend a performance by the band Under-Volt at the Jardin de l’Ange.
The streets of Courmayeur’s historic center come alive with color and atmosphere, ready to welcome shoppers to a unique experience.
Boutiquenville - Foura totte 2024
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