A place
above ordinary

There is a place where your imagination can turn into reality. Where leisure and relaxation come in all shades. A place where flavors can amaze, nature and its views can marvel.
It is Courmayeur Mont Blanc, a jewel guarded by the highest mountain in the Alps: the Mont Blanc.

Leave your trail on the snowy slopes, get lost in the paths surrounded by nature. Experience the excellence of Michelin starred and traditional Italian cuisine, the best alpine spas and an unforgettable shopping experience.

Don’t know where to start? Don’t rush to choose, you can do it when you get here.
After all, only when you reach the summit, you see everything clearly.

Enjoy Courmayeur Mont Blanc. Italy at its peak.

10 things you must not miss

Val Veny

The valley overlooked by Mont Blanc, for the lovers of unspoilt nature: discover the Miage and Brenva glaciers, Dora creek, the Wood of Peuterey, a sanctuary and a spectacular entrance guarded by the Mont Blanc.

Val Ferret

In summer Val Ferret is a paradise for hiking, biking, golf, and fishing. Good food lovers can visit it at any time of the year, and discover the gourmet side of Mont Blanc

Skyway Monte Bianco

360 degrees rotating cableways to let everyone reach 3,466 m of altitude on the Mont Blanc.


The trendy heart of Courmayeur Mont Blanc is in the historical Via Roma, where you can find the most prestigious fashion brands and the most stylish shops of the Alps


The food and wine scene of Courmayeur is the paradise of food lovers

Arte e mostre

Mostre, installazioni, esibizioni del territorio di Courmayeur

Ice skating

The ice arena, the beating heart of the Courmayeur Sport Center. From figure skating to hockey, from curling to short track, you can enjoy every discipline on ice.


If you’re a cinema lover, Courmayeur is the place to meet your passion.

Gym and fitness

You can keep fit even in the mountains: the gym of the Courmayeur Sport Center allows you to fitness on holiday!

Terme Pré Saint Didier

Silence, beauty, nature and leisure to enjoy a special moment of wellness under the king of the Alps: this is Terme Pré Saint Didier

Discover Mont Blanc,

the King of the Alps.

Come and discover his majesty the Mont Blanc and get ready for an experience that lives up to your dreams. At 4,810 metres, it is the highest peak in the Alps, Italy and Europe.


Sport Talents

The Courmayeur Sport Talents project was born from a collaboration between the resort, the sports associations present in the area, and the professional athletes trained in Courmayeur, and aims to promote the sport and the resort starting from the valorisation of the young Courmayeur athletes who are making a name for themselves in the various disciplines and can become its best ambassadors.
The young promises are flanked by an exceptional godmother, Federica Brignone, and by the Champions, professional athletes and Ambassadors of the resort, who already carry the name of Courmayeur around the world.


Events Spotlight

Events Spotlight

Courmayeur Cup 2024

Settembre 2024

On Friday 20 September the Presentation of the 80th Tigotà Serie A Championship, from 17.30 the tournament will start, involving Conegliano, Scandicci, Milano and Novara until the final on Saturday…

80' Campionato Serie A Tigotà

Settembre 2024

Presentazione della stagione 2024/2025 della Lega Volley Femminile e premiazione delle migliori giocatrici dell’ultimo campionato. L’evento darà il via alla nuova stagione e ripercorrerà i momenti più salienti di quella…

Les Nuits en Or 2024

Settembre 2024

AIACE VDA porterà nelle sale del Courmayeur Cinema cortometraggi premiati grazie all'iniziativa internazionale Les Nuits en Or

Randonnée du Mont Blanc 2024

Settembre 2024

L’evento Randonnee du Mont Blanc è un’esperienza ciclistica unica organizzata da EPICDAYS, pensata per te, appassionato di avventura e scoperta. Questo raduno non competitivo ti porterà a pedalare intorno al maestoso massiccio…

Porte aperte allo sport 2024

Settembre 2024

Le associazioni sportive e culturali di Courmayeur e dintorni presenteranno al Courmayeur Sport Center i loro programmi 2023/24

Skyway Cocktail Competition 2024

Ottobre 2024

I migliori barmen sono pronti a sfidarsi sul tetto d'Europa con le loro originali creazioni!

Arrancabirra 2024

Ottobre 2024

La gara goliardica che chiude la stagione delle competizioni di trail running

Lo Pan Ner 2024

Ottobre 2024

La tradizionale festa del pane nero valdostano


Where to sleep

Flash news

E-bike Mont Blanc project

The ‘E-bike Mont Blanc’ project co-financed by the Interreg Alcotra Italy-France Programme 2021-2027 was approved by the Monitoring Committee on 26 January 2023. The Municipality of Courmayeur is leading it…

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E-bike Mont Blanc project

The ‘E-bike Mont Blanc’ project co-financed by the Interreg Alcotra Italy-France Programme 2021-2027 was approved by the Monitoring Committee on 26 January 2023. The Municipality of Courmayeur is leading it…

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