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Piazza Abbé Henry

The early winter festival at the foot of Mont Blanc








The most magical moment of the year in Courmayeur Mont Blanc is called Welcome Winter, a real party to welcome the beginning of winter season and the opening of the ski slopes.

The traditional “push the button” moment will mark the beginning of the winter season, with a large bright show that will give life to thousands of lights in the streets of the center until switching on the large Christmas tree of Piazza Abbé Henry, giving a sparkling start.


Kids&Junior - Courmayeur in Danza

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Vivo Verde

Pronti a partire a Courmayeur, in collaborazione con il Centro Servizi Courmayeur, la IV edizione di “Vivo Verde” rassegna ideata e diretta da Massimiliano Finazzer Flory. “Vivo Verde” presenta un…

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Vivo Verde - Alessandro Daniele

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